Much more information about the domperidone controversy
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About the Domperidone "Ban"

Domperidone was found to cause some problems when given intravenously in incredibly high doses, so the FDA requested that it not be prescribed. In reality, ANY drug given in high enough doses will cause problems (how about Advil, or aspirin, for example). and the dose of Domperidone used to increase milk supply has never been associated with serious supply problems. Additionally, it has far fewer side effects than Reglan. Here is an excellent summary of the professional responses to the FDA statement from, including research-based evidence that Domperidone is not harmful in the dosage recommended for increasing milk supply.

Domperidone is now difficult to find in the United States, although it is legal for compounding pharmacists to mix it for you if you have a prescription. Some women with chronic milk insufficiency that threatens the health of their babies have started ordering it from abroad, or ordering from compounding pharmacists in other states. The professional organization of compounding pharmacists has issued a statement supporting the continued use of Domperidone - something to take with you to the pharmacist if you've been having trouble getting this medication.


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